March 31, 2011

A Confession.. and a Funny Story

Hi Lovies. This is going to be quick, as I am a busy girl tonight!

Confession #1

I have a birthday dinner tonight, and we are going to dinner with a couple of our friends. Of course I will only eat at the Cyclones dinner and not the birthday dinner, because who in their right mind passes up Cyclone Anayas? {for non-houstonians, it is an a-mah-zing Mexican food restaurant!}

SO, onto the confession. I get home and I have to take a shower since my hair is scary and I have had 16, 5 year olds crawling over me all day and what do I do you ask? I definitely showered with a glass of prosecco. Don't judge me, kthanks!

{mmmm hot shower mixed with cold prosecco bubbles. try it. you will thank me.} 

Funny Story... 

I hesitate posting this. I have to use a nasty word, but what the H this is my blog and I get to say what I want right? YES! 

We are learning to write our letters {the correct way} and today we were on A. I go around the table and each kid tells me a word that starts with A. I get answers like Ant, Act, Apple, you know the normal words that 5 year olds know. I come to my last student and he says "Anus". um Stop. WHAT? no. {actually what I said to him.} He proceeds to say it at least 3 more times, Anus starts with A, Anus, Anus, Anus. Ok. Yes. Anus does start with A. At this point I am hysterically laughing. I had more work to do with them, but I let them go play because when you hear Anus at 8:30 in the morning what are you supposed to do. 

Just one more reason I love my job. ha 

Quick post done. Love and sorry that you each will not be enjoying the deliciousness of cyclones tonight! 


March 30, 2011

Wonderful Wednesday.

Yes. It is usually Wedding Wednesday. BUT.....

This morning as I was eating my oatmeal, I always check my favorite blogs, and so as I was doing that this morning I got to Christine's blog at bun & borough {if you have not been to her blog go. run. now! she is an amazing blogger and a runner that lives in NYC and she always posts the best playlists!} So as I was saying, I was reading her post about the Lands End Canvas giveaway she did {that I entered, because girlfriend over here is in some serious need of honeymoon clothes!} and guess what! 


.. well I was 1 of 2 runners up and I get to choose a bathing suit and a beach tote bag! YES! even more motivation to get in the gym and kick my butt in workouts!
I was told to only wear bandeau tops {since the wedding dress is strapless} so I'm thinking this top.. I am going to get the string bikini bottoms just FYI.. I just cant get the dang picture to upload. arg. 

the tote I think I am going to get..kind of want to get my new initials monogrammed on it :) 

SO, I wanted to give a big, big THANK YOU to Christine and Lands End Canvas for treating me to a new honeymoon bathing suit!! 

Ok now for our regular scheduled programming... 

Wedding Wednesday 

Someone {ahem Amber @ Sweet Pea} requested that I give a preview of my save the date

So without further adieu...

{oh how I love him!}

{sorry for the crappy cell phone pic. our scanner isn't working. boo.}

This was an unusual picture choice, I know this. I chose this picture because Stuart and I are not perfect, we don't have perfect hair, or teeth, we don't have the perfect relationship, we are who we are, we laugh a lot , we cry {not too often!}, we hug, we get mad, get our feelings hurt, love each other more than anything on this earth, this picture said everything about us, the so not perfect couple who feels that they need to choose the picture that makes us look like the perfect couple. I saw it and immediately felt love. It is so hard to describe the way that we felt in that moment and I really felt that this picture showed off so much emotion. so much happiness, knowing that I get to spend the rest of my life with the person that means the most to me in the world, . My favorite part {other than the picture} is the word Kindly. My Mom thought to use it {I love Moms and how they always know how to add that special touch to things.} and I fell in love with it. It sounds so sweet and simple, like you are asking your best friends and family in the most pleasant way to come enjoy and celebrate this most wonderful time in your life. kindly. six little letters, that really changed the way I thought about my wedding. 

I have gotten more compliments on my Save the Date than I ever imagined. I really feel that it is because I chose something original. It wasn't the norm. and people loved it. So the next time you have a chance. be yourself. do what you want to do. 

love you girls!

I want to know what you do to be original..Is it your blog? a hobby you have? what you wear? talk to me ladies! 


March 29, 2011

Where have I been...

I'm sorry friends.

I have been a terrible, terrible blogger. Please forgive me.

Top 3 reasons I haven't blogged in over a week. Ready. Go...

1. I have been sick for a week now. BLAH. I hate going to the doctor {although I have always secretly wanted to be a doctor or at least a PA.. I still hate waiting rooms..ew.} so I have just been suffering with this cold, but it seems to be going away now. whew.
{made black bean soup for dinner hoping it would help the cold!..mine of course didn't look this pretty

2. I have been doing a lot of wedding stuff. Feels good to check stuff off the list {found a cake lady. woohoo!}, going to friends wedding showers {they had a quesadilla bar... I was in heaven.}, started to really plan what food I wanted at the wedding, centerpieces, favors, and all the other good stuff for the reception! 

3. I have been super unmotivated to do anything but watch old episodes of Grey's Anatomy. 
{guilty pleasure}
{obsession with this show started because of my dream of being a doctor.ha that would never happen.} you can't guess what I'm off to do! 

any guilty pleasures you would like to share!?


March 21, 2011

The Day Between Sunday and Tuesday.

I don't despise Mondays. but I really dislike them a lot. They are just a sad reminder of how much of the week we still have left. Actually I should jump for joy every time I get to see a Monday, because it means it is one more day that I have on this beautiful earth.

Anyways. I wanted to talk all about our Vegas trip and how much fun I had with all of my boys. But, I am still so exhausted from the trip that I can't even begin to write about it.. SO pictures and stories will come later.

For now I wanted to share this yumminess of a recipe that I made today.
how I chose to write down recipes.. with a sharpie on a paper towel. 

terrible, terrible, phone picture..but my camera is full of Vegas pictures. 

If you like black beans. You will love this. I can just imagine it on a yummy salad, or in a warm burrito, or like I had it, on top of a chicken patty {sounds gross, but oh so good!}... oh the possibilities. 

Ok loves. I'm off to watch some old Greys Anatomy! 

March 14, 2011

Spring {break at least} is here!!! Which means that I have... 

1. Already conquered NOLA... first bachelorette party of the season! 
2. Sprung(?) Forward.. always makes my school day go faster {although I miss my extra hour of sleep!}
3. Going to VEGAS tomorrow!!!!

Quick recap of NOLA..

Acme Oyster House {yum}, Fat Catz, Pat O's, Hurricanes, House of Blues, The Funky Pirate, Cats Meow,Voodoo Shop {freaky!}, Lingerie Shower, Wine, Beer, Vodka, Rum {gosh I felt baaaad Saturday}, Howl at the Moon, lots of laughs, catching up with best friends, lots of walking, blisters, piggy back rides, people watching, falling down {I only fell once, and it was in the hotel hall..but we definitely had some friends fall in the middle of bourbon street!}, dancing, singing at the top of our lungs, lots of pictures, throwing beads, dancing on a bar {not as bad as it sounds!}, actually meeting some fun Auburn friends, great breakfasts, naps, great weather, and many more memories

I had such an amazing time with all of the girls, and the Bachelorette was such a trooper this weekend!! Only 3 weeks until I get to celebrate mine in ATX!!

So here are some of the "good" pictures from the weekend!

SIL and I at the entrance to the fancy suite! 

best friends since kindergarten! 



crazy girls! 

pour me something tall and strong, make it a hurricane, before I go insane! 

pretty girls 

the bachelorette! 

Although I spent my money on great food, and good drinks... the best purchase of the weekend was definitely these babies... I can't wait to wear them! 
my new flats...I'm in love. 

Ok loves. I am off to Vegas tomorrow, I'll be back Thursday night. Have an awesome week and send me good gambling vibes! {although I am way more interested in going to H&M than gambling!}

March 9, 2011

Wedding Wednesday!

It is that time again. My favorite blogging day. Wedding Wednesday!

I was trying to figure out what I wanted to talk about today. I have so much that I want to say..but haven't really had time to write it down. So, I thought that I would talk about our engagement photos. We loved. our photographer Amanda from Whitney Lee Photography. She was so fun to work with and made Stuart and I feel very comfortable in front of the camera...

see. we find deer antlers. and we proceed to put them on my head. nervous in front of the camera? nah. 

Amanda wrote a very cute blog post on our shoot so you should for sure head over and check it out HERE 

These were some of my very favorites from our shoot... 


{this was in the running for the save the date picture!}

{this is our save the date picture!} 
we had so many pictures that we loved, but this one just screamed Madi and Stu. I had just jumped on his back and we were laughing about something, and she caught this moment. I was in love with everything that this picture caught. Our real smiles. The love between us. makes me so happy! 

I was so nervous on this day. Thinking back to it I had so much fun and I can't wait for Amanda to do my bridal portraits and then be at the wedding and I of course can't wait to marry this boy!


March 8, 2011


I haven't blogged in a week. Guilt. I can't believe it. I have been so busy with applications for a new job, interviews, wedding stuff, rodeo, ah. I need Spring Break. Good thing I have 2 more days until it starts! woohoo!

So on FRIDAY {embarrassed} sweet Amber over @ Sweet Pea tagged me in a fun little game of 5 things I can't live without!! I thought that I would finally get around to answering those questions!

Five Things I Can't Live Without! 
{besides my fiance, family, the usual stuff that I really actually need in my life!} 

1. Sadly to say it has to be my phone... 

I have the htc incredible... and I do love it.. but. I am a total mac girl and can't wait to get the iPhone for Verizon. 

2. My MacBook Pro enough said. 

3. My Music

I love my music. Stuart is always listening to pandora and so I get most of my music from him!

4. This is a really weird one.. but it's fruit! 

I for some reason eat an apple for snack every morning. I always have some sort of fruit in the afternoon too. It is so good for you and really helps my sweet tooth! 

5. Running 

I am seriously considering ordering this print. I have become a lover of running. I tried to work out at the gym today since it was rainy outside, and all I could think about was I would so much rather be running in the rain than running on this treadmill and wait in line to workout on a machine {most annoying thing ever.} Running is so easy. Just you and the sidewalk. no waiting in lines. Ah. I am very much looking forward to my run tomorrow! I can finally clear my head!! 

Ok loves. These were my 5 things... hope you enjoyed! 

you should do this fun activity and then comment so I can come read what you can't live without! 

March 1, 2011

Tuesday Tunes.

Hi Loves.

I can't believe that this Tuesday flew by and its already MARCH! yay for springing forward, my first trip to NOLA, my trip to Vegas with ALL of my brothers for Spring Break 2011 {my real brothers Taylor and Grayson, and my other brothers Blake, Adam, and Hunter.. We are just missing my Beckster!!!} I have a feeling this is going to be a really fun/tiring month!

tay, grayson, thomas 

blakey-o and becky-poo with tay tay {I'm pretty sure they all hate their nicknames that I have for them!}

{stole from Cat @ Perpetual Perfection...thanks love ya Cat!}

I love all of my brothers, and I seriously just talked to my wedding planner and made her write down so she wouldn't forget to get Taylor, Grayson, Blake, Beck, Adam, Hunter, Brad, Zach, and Phillip {the whole group of boys whom I consider brothers!} all ready early on Wedding Day so that I can get a big group picture with me and all of my boys!

Ok enough of love for my boys. 

Here is what I was listening to on the first day of this wonderful month!

Down By the Water- The Decemberists
The High Road- Broken Bells
Sigh No More- Mumford & Sons
We R Who We R- Ke$ha {please don't judge me...}
October- Broken Bells
Lochloosa- Mofro {makes me want lake travis and a cold beer!}
All Gone To Nothing- Nelo
Kiss Me In the Dark- Randy Rogers Band

what are you listening to this week?