January 31, 2011

Mondays Goals

I like to make goals at the beginning of the week {yes, this may sound very teachery, and yes I make up my own words.} but I feel that goals help me get things accomplished during the week. If I didn't set mini goals, I would just come home after work, watch T.V drink prosecco, and be a bum! So, my goals for this week are:

1. Workout at least 4 times {I worked out today, so 3 more times and this goal is reached!}

2. Study for my PPR test on Saturday {It is one of the last things I have to take to get my teaching certificate!..can't wait for it to be over!}

3. Work on my online professional development courses {I have zero time to do this right now. So I need this to keep me on track.}

4. Write a post everyday this week, and start learing how to use the Nikon {going to be hard between all of my other goals, but I am going to pre-plan posts, and work on the camera at night!}

5. Be patient with my students. {This is something I work on every week, and it will always be a goal of mine}

6. Finish the last of my Save the Dates, buy stamps, and send 'em out! {woohoo.. very excited about sending them out!}

OK, those are all of my mini goals! {I am also going to start posting pictures on here... I just need to remember to take out my camera when I am doing fun things!}

...So since this post was boring {and mostly for me since it was about my weekly goals} I will leave you with a pictures showing my skillsssss....

{yes, I like to drink beer all day, and then see how long I can balance them on my head. I am weird.}


January 28, 2011

Fabulous Friday {sorta}

Last night we went to the JJ Grey and Mofro concert at the House of Blues and stayed out way too late! If you have never heard of them go to iTunes and listen to some of their stuff! JJ is the lead singer, and his voice sounds even better in person than it does on the cd! He has a very loud, soulful voice, and even if you don't know the words to the song, you will instantly find yourself humming his tunes throughout the day.

I love all of his music, but my favorites are: 

1. Everything Good is Bad 
2. The Sweetest Thing- last night he said it was a song about his daughter.. so sweet 
3. Orange Blossoms 
4. Hide and Seek 
5. A Woman- he sang this last night. AMAZING..totally swooned over this song {I secretly wish the fiance would learn the guitar and play this song for me.} 

He played until 12:15 and by the time we dropped everyone off, and drove back home it was 1:00 and WOAH I am not used to staying up that late and then having to deal with my little friends at 7:30. Won't be doing that again for a long, long time. 

Well, this weekend is dedicated to getting my Save the Dates addressed, with my MOH and Future MIL, a lot of handwriting and drinking {clear alcohol of course}! I can't wait for them to go out, wedding is starting to feel more real! 169 days until I get to marry my best friend in the whole world. luckiest girl ever.


January 27, 2011

Thoughts on Thursday!

Thursday, I never know what to think of Thursdays. They are definitely not as good as Fridays, but they are a ton better than a Wednesday. You can {sorta} drink on a Thursday, and still be able to get through Friday, but you still have to get up and get dressed and go to work and not be hungover while 16 kids scream your name {oh, or does that only happen to me?} Anyways, Stuart and I are going to dinner and a concert tonight =) yay for date night! We usually have date night on Friday, but he is going on a man weekend so I will be all alone without him. boo. 

So since I will be Fiance-less {can that be a word?} I thought I would write my:

Top 10 favorite things my Fiance does for me on the weekends! 

{10} Takes me out for Mexican Food & Margaritas every.friday.night. --By far the best meal (cyclones fajitas)/Best Margarita (cyclones jumbo house) and best day of the week (Friday and date night) 

{9} Plays Super Mario with me when get home (yes, yes, we are dorks) 

{8} Pays for me to play Big Buck Hunter (Bubbas, a pitcher of beer, and BBB = most Saturday afternoons for us) 

{7} Although you have your own side of the bed, you feel the need to sleep on my pillow with me. {yes I always complain about this, but secretly I like that you want to be so close to me =) } 

{6} How you always leave my house looking like a shacker on Saturday & Sunday mornings. And, the way you always look out the window before going to your car to make sure no one sees you. I always get a little laugh out of this in the mornings. 

{5} House Hunting on Sundays. I can't wait to own our own little home with you. 

{4} Cuddling in bed, even if I annoy you with all of my weekend morning energy 

{3} The millions of solo pictures you let me take of you over the weekend. You don't know this but I take them so when I miss you during the week I can look back at the pictures of you and remember our wonderful weekend together. 

{2} Singing & Dancing in the car--usually after the Friday night margaritas! Always fun, and always funny! 

{1} Getting to spend 2 wonderful days with the person I love most in the world! 

I love you lovebug, 

Yes, it is sappy, but I am going to miss my best friend and all of our weekend antics. But, I guess going to the Tory Burch outlet will help a little =).. yes Tory Burch Outlet = Heaven {especially when you know someone who works there and you can get an extra 40% off. be jealous.}