I love all of his music, but my favorites are:
1. Everything Good is Bad
2. The Sweetest Thing- last night he said it was a song about his daughter.. so sweet
3. Orange Blossoms
4. Hide and Seek
5. A Woman- he sang this last night. AMAZING..totally swooned over this song {I secretly wish the fiance would learn the guitar and play this song for me.}
He played until 12:15 and by the time we dropped everyone off, and drove back home it was 1:00 and WOAH I am not used to staying up that late and then having to deal with my little friends at 7:30. Won't be doing that again for a long, long time.
Well, this weekend is dedicated to getting my Save the Dates addressed, with my MOH and Future MIL, a lot of handwriting and drinking {clear alcohol of course}! I can't wait for them to go out, wedding is starting to feel more real! 169 days until I get to marry my best friend in the whole world. luckiest girl ever.
Oh Madi! I'm so thrilled that you decided to start your very own blog. It is fantastic!! Look out for another email tonight. :)