February 1, 2011

It's February Time...

So now that the horrible month of January is over {sorry for any birthdayers in the month}, it felt like it was the never ending month! It is time for February and all of its fabulousness!!!!

1. Grayson {the little bro turns 21 tonight at midnight, I for sure feel old} 

2. Valentines Day! Although I love celebrating love, Stuart and I are skipping it this year {meaning I will get flowers, and he will get something little!} to save money for other things {a place we can call home.} 

3. A half day of school and a full day off! Thanks Grandparents day for letting me leave school at 11 and Presidents Day for letting me sleep in! 

4. My very first shower! Three very good friends {bridesmaids} and their mothers are giving me a shower, and I feel very blessed that they have offered to do this for me! 

5. My first 10K {Dad and I did the half last year and I have been itching to get back into doing a run}!!! We signed up for the ConocoPhillips Rodeo 10K! It is February 26 which means I have less than a month to get ready for it! {thank goodness its only 6 miles and not 13!!!} I am so excited to welcome the Rodeo with a good run with Dad! 

{ reppin' for bama while running the half last year!}

Anything fun happening for you in February? Am I the only one that thinks January is the worst month of the year? 



  1. I really really DON'T like January. It's super cold and super boring. February is a much more cheery and sweet month, and I think Feb and I will be good friends. Let's hope so! :)

  2. Hey! I came across your blog from Cait's blog. I see you signed up for your first 10k. I just wanted to say congrats! I have run 4 10ks and absolutely love them! Cant wait to see how it goes :)!
