February 26, 2011

Love of Running.

I am officially obsessed with running. Well. not obsessed, but I do have a real love for it.

 i love this quote. It is so true and exactly what I feel when I am running a race. 

Today my dad and I ran the rodeo 10k. It was a really fun run. We ran over an overpass. Woah. I am not used to running up hills (sad that a hill in Houston is an overpass.) The first one was at mile 2 and I was cruising. Dad on the other hand was struggling a little bit. Around Mile 5 we had to do it again. This time I was struggling and Dad was for sure cruising over it. 


These are the moments when I say why do I run? Why do I put myself through this? It is because there is no greater feeling than when your legs are tired, you can't breathe, all you want to do is stop. But you know that you have that last mile. The last measly mile. 5,280 feet. You get to cross that finish line and like hell I am going to cross is walking. 
my running gear the night before! {I get nervous and like to have everything set out so I don't forget anything.}

I was tired after the run today. We treated ourselves to queso and a margarita. That is another great reason to run. The cheese you can eat after and not feel so guilty. {side note: for valentines day I found a card for stuart it was this big block of cheese and it said, I love you more than cheese. I couldn't buy it. I tried to. I was scared that it just wasn't true. I mean gosh. I love that boy to death, but more than cheese? I don't know about that. }

Ok lovies, I hope you are having a great weekend!

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