I have wanted something sweet lately. I read online about how to make "ice cream" out of frozen bananas! So last night after Stuart and I went on a walk I came home and made "ice cream!"
2 Bananas
1 Peach
(yep thats ALL that I used!)
First freeze the peeled bananas for a couple of hours, or overnight. Next get out your food processor and throw the frozen bananas in there. They might get stuck on the sides, but just keep pushing it down, and it will eventually turn into a creamy ice cream like mixture! I cut up a fresh peach and threw it in the mixture and let the food processor chop and mix it all up.
not mine...but it actually looks just like this!
I love the taste of the just banana ice cream, but the addition of the peach gives it an extra sweetness! So yum. Please go make this right now. I swear you will not regret it! and you don't have to feel bad when you are eating it!
Workout: Ran 3 miles
Steel Cut Oats, with some of the peach/banana mixture
Turkey with roasted vegetables
no morning snack today :(
1/4 cucumber with apple cider vinegar
Salad with carrots, tomatoes, onions, and olives with lemon and vinegar
Broccoli with louisiana hot sauce
Pico de gallo (random I know...)
couple of shreds of turkey meat
Sliced turkey breast
roasted vegetables
Salad with guacamole on top
Wine and of course the banana/peach mixture for dessert!
My new goal is to take picture of what I eat. I really need a good camera though! I guess for now the iPhone is going to have to do!
Yum! Thanks for the banana/peach ice cream hint! I have a whole box of banana popsicles in the freezer right now, but this seems a bit healthier! Go you for continuing to eat healthy!