lovely dress
talking to Stuart through the wall
mama zipping me up!
Anyways, back to the title, lifestyle eating. That sounds weird, right. Lifestlye Eating. Eating a certain way for your life. Choosing to eat what you want. It sounds easy. I just won’t eat any sugar this week, I won’t eat any carbs, and that's great but how many times have you said that and then eaten something "bad" and fallen off the bandwagon... There are so many “diets” out there. I don’t want to say that any of them are “bad” or one works better than the other. I think that you need to do what works best for your body. I just got back from an amazing honeymoon where I ate French fries, drank lots of beer and wine, ate fried fish, bread and butter, pizza, and lots of stuff that I don’t normally eat, and you know what I totally and completely enjoyed it! I didn't feel bad for eating any of that because I knew that after this week is was back to the real world.So, I am so incredibly happy to finally be married to the most wonderful man in the world, but body wise, after this week... I feel blah. I need to do something to make myself feel better.I mean just look at all of this stuff from honeymoon! So worth it... :)
I have challenged myself, starting 7/25/2011 until 8/23/2011, 30 days. To eat “clean”, not necessarily “perfect” I am allowing myself to have 1-2 meals a week that I can eat and not feel guilty about! I have figured it out and I (on a normal day) eat 3 meals and 2 snacks, so during the week I eat 21 full meals and 14 snacks. So out of the 21 meals I will eat 19-20 clean and 1-2 special meals (as I am calling them). I plan to document what I eat everyday (with some pictures here and there).
I am also going to try and cut wheat out of my diet. Since being on vacay I ate so much bread, and I have eczema, which is caused by my allergy to wheat. Yes, I have an allergy to wheat and still eat it all the time. BUT it has flared up and actually gotten really bad around my ankles and in the crease of my arm, and so hopefully taking wheat out of my diet for a while will cure this!
So, I am not going to call them “rules” and I am not going to use the word “diet” so here is how I am going to change my eating lifestyle habits...
No wheat, actually no grains really... nervous about this one
No sugar. This is going to be a toughie because so much stuff has added sugar!! and I haven’t decided about the greek yogurt thing
(specifically chobani)... it has sugar in it, but it is all from the milk (which has natural sugars) so I am going to have to read up on this more.
No eating anything processed... agh. This is going to be harrrrdddddd
Lots of fruits... yum, yum!
A lot of vegetables...going to have to make them delicious!
Lean protein... think chicken/turkey breast, lean pork tenderloin, 97% fat free beef
Not much dairy (AKA no cheese... insert very sad face) I might have some greek yogurt here and there if I find out the answer about the sugar and if milk is still considered “clean"
I plan on making lots of herbal tea...not going to be able to sweeten it though so I will just have to buy the yummy citrus kind!
how do you stay healthy? Any tips on eating clean!?
This is a fab little plan!!! AND YOUR DRESS IS AMAZING! You looked gorgeous, and I can't wait to see more! We've missed you in the blog world!!!!