February 4, 2011

Fabulous Friday!

This Friday is more than fabulous. School was cancelled for today, and that means every week in February will be a 4 day week for me! I just don't see how February can get any better!

Well I thought that I would list my top five favorite moments of the week!

5. As stated above, finding out yesterday through a voicemail, e-mail at school, e-mail at home, and text message that school was cancelled! {I guess my school wanted to be extra super sure that we knew not to come in today!}

4. Stubabes being sweet and coming to pick me up last night because my car takes forever to heat up and has no butt warmers! {when I got in he had already turned my butt warmer on for me :) true love right there!}

3. Graysons 21st birthday celebration dinner at Carrabbas!

birthday boy 

 cute tiny ketchup bottles {i love me some ketchup!}

wine and calamari! yum yum

2. Taking ridiculous pictures of my soon-to-be family! {I walked in last night, and all 4 of them had on a type of vest. I felt a little out of place. And wished I had worn mine}

 crazy jack 

 kell bell 

the crazy vested family 

1. Laughing, spending time with my families, hugs, kisses, good workouts, watching movies, catching up on TV shows, prosecco, birthdays, prayers, long talks, good food, and all of the other things I am so thankful for this week. 

have an amazing weekend. Challenge for the weekend: compliment someone you don't know! I swear it will make their day! 


1 comment:

  1. I loved reading about your favorite moments!! I'm taking your weekend advice to heart. Hopefully I'll be able to complete the challenge at church! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
