February 7, 2011

Mondays goals and other ramblings...

After going back to my last week Monday post, I had completed all of my goals. It really is amazing what writing your goals down can do for you. I love going back and seeing what I accomplished in the last week, even if it was something small just the fact that I wrote it down and wanted to completed and did makes me feel a little happier about myself! 

Mondays Goals! 

1. Run at least 3 times this week/Go to gym at least twice {I started my training for the 10K that is in 19 days. {ah} I ran 3 miles @ a 9:30 pace Sunday, and I ran 3.4 miles @ a 9:39 pace. I was pretty proud of myself! And I actually felt good doing it!}

2. Stamp and send the Saves 

3. Plan a dinner party with friends! 

Making easy goals this week! 

I worked out at home last week 2 or 3 days, I can't remember. But I was sitting there and I was getting kind of bored with what I was doing so I went and ordered... 

I feel like a super dork and it's not like I think I am going to really lose 5 pounds in a week or burn MEGA CALORIES {ha}... but I've heard that it is a really good yoga workout that is more aerobic! Which is what I was looking for.. plus go HERE  {one of my most favorite running blogs!, and look at her sister-in-laws arms. I mean woah! I need that before the wedding!} 

I also bought this workout top... 

I think it is a pretty workout top! I hate, hate, hate when the tops are stuck to my stomach, and I feel like I have to suck everything in, so this one is a little more flowy and I think I am going to be ordering some more! It can be found here

I need to stop ordering stuff from amazon. It is getting bad. 

Ok loves, I am off to stamp my saves! 



  1. I love your Monday goals! I keep over-estimating what I can do in a week, and then I get disappointed. Maybe I should be nicer to myself and set more reasonable goals. I'll try it this week...thanks for the inspiration Madi!! LOVING the blog! :)

  2. Congrats on the engagement! I found you through Amber's blog. I too have a bit of a growing addiction with Amazon....its just like one stop shopping in your pjs! Thank goodness it is blocked at work or else I would be completely broke! Love that top too! I go to the gym to sweat and get rid of the gut, not to have to suck in while I'm there!
